2 Poems: "Consider the knee" "Cast Out" (offcourse)
3 Poems: "I'm Not Sure I Should Say This" "Chaz Guest Shows Us How to Look" "Elsewhere There Was Bombing" (War, Literature, & the Arts, Vol. 36)
"Spirits and Divine Forces" (Magpie Zine)
"Morphic Resonance" (Libre, Bell Jar Issue)
"Bottom of the League" (The Twin Bill)
"At Home in the Castle" (New Verse Review)
"A Poet Looks in the Mirror" (Autumn Sky Poetry Daily)
"Climate Activist Glue Themselves to a DaVinci" (Plane Tree Journal)
"Finding Mrs. Brown" (Plane Tree Journal)
"Aphelion in July" (Plane Tree Journal)
"Where's Hersh" (The New Verse News)
"Grandma Lived 17 Years after Her Diagnosis" (3Elements)
"Commutative Property 5 X 7 / 7 X 5" (Warm Milk)
"In Which I Thank My Body for the Mind It Has Given Me" (Letters Journal)
"Short Pour" (SWWIM)
"A Composition of Matter" (The Long Now Foundation)
"War Sonnet with a Simile Borrowed from Kyle Okoke's Matthew 6:28" (Rattle)
"2 poems" (Ocean State Review)
"Somewhere in a Bright Blue Bay" (The Ilanot Review)
"When Chat GPT Writes In the Style of […]" (Autumn Sky Poetry Daily)
"Notes on Thomas Mann’s Joseph and His Brothers" (BMP Voices)
"The World Beneath" (Rattle)
"Art = Beauty + Shit" (Rattle)
"What the Dog Fetched." (Autumn Sky Daily)
"You Are Meant to Suffer / You are Meant to Adapt" (The Ekphrastic Review)
"You Are Being Tracked" (Rattle)
"Anne Heche" (3Elements)
"Iron-Red River" (River Heron Review)
"Hard Pressed" (Eclectica)
"Phantom Africa" (Triggerfish Critical Review)
"Member of the Expedition" (Triggerfish Critical Review)
"In Kemeni (24 kilometers from Bla)" (Triggerfish Critical Review)
"Truthfully, It Excites Me" (Triggerfish Critical Review)
"A Side Note" (Triggerfish Critical Review)
"Castaway" (Christian Century)
"Donkey at the Met" (Rattle)
"How Is Mortal Man to Account for It" (Cold Mountain Review)
"As Spring Greens the Walk" (Autumn Sky Daily)
"Is It Good for the Jews: An Abecedarian" (Poetica Magazine)
"Skin in the Game" (The Ekphrastic Review)
"A Most Pleasing Pain" (The Red Ogre Review)
"Left Behind" (Better Than Starbucks Sonnet Contest 2021 Top Ten)
"Birds Aren't Real Abecedarian" (Rattle)
"This Room" (Rattle)
"Faces in the Clouds" (Rattle)
"Five Poems" (Sortes Magazine)
"Zoom, They Say, is Driving a Pandemic Plastic Surgery Boom" (Funicular Magazine)
"St Rosalie" (Anthology: The Plague Papers)
"Art Appreciation" (Anthology: The Plague Papers)
"Struggling to Keep Pace" (Anthology: The Plague Papers)
"In Those Years on the Brink of Revolution" & "Meditation App Fail" (The Elevation Review)
"Tragedy in [...]" (The New Verse News)
"What is Marriage Like?" (Rattle)
"A Wrapping and Unwrapping" (The Ekphrastic Review)
"Jubilados but Not Jubilant" (Toho Review)
"Amazonian" (Triggerfish)
"Xenophon did not write" (Triggerfish)
"Wherein Plato Glosses Plath and Vice-Versa" (Triggerfish)
"Four Years Before the Mast" (the New Verse News)
"Tell Me Again How You and Dad Met" (Tampa Review)
"I Await the Fight" (The Under Review)
"To a Sweat Bee" (The Literary Nest)
"August 1852" (Montana Mouthful)
"Cartoonish" and "Juice" (Under a Warm Green Linden)
"We Work!" (Chillfiltr)
"A Conversation in Which We Seek to Baffle the Overlords" (Rattle)
"What She's Been Saying All Along" (Poets Reading the News)
"Of ourselves" (Under a Warm Green Linden)
"The Visit" (The NewVerse News)
"Four Poems" (The Plough)
"To-Do List" (The Plough)
"That, Too" (Vox Viola)
"Marital Squabble" (Plath Poetry Project)
"Not of the Moment: A Villanelle" (Plath Poetry Project)
"What goes Around" (Plath Poetry Project)
"Morning Devotional" (O:JAL)
"Penitent" (O:JAL)
"Foolish (I)" (O:JAL)
"Foolish (II)" (O:JAL)
"Both" (O:JAL)
"Sonnets" (Off Course )
"Chernobyl I" (Poets Reading the News)
"Chernobyl III" (Glass: Poets Resist)
"Helicopters over Portland" (Rattle)
"Crawling Back to Normal" and "Feint & Parry" (The Light Ekphrastic)
"When the Temperature Climbs" and "Resourceful" (Alexandria Quarterly Volume 5 Spring 2019)
"Begging to Differ" (SWWIM)
"Harvest" (Poets Reading the News)
"McSorely's Old Ale House" (Poets Reading the News)
"Cindy Sherman Shows Us the Way" (Jet Fuel Review)
"Laodicean" (What Rough Beast)
"track 3"; "track 5" (Fourth & Sycamore)
"Archival Photograph"; "Shadows' Shadow" (Jewish Literary Journal)
"For Proust"; "Practical Matters"; "Notes from the Sufferer" (Plath Poetry Project)
"News from the Dig" (Plath Poetry Project)
"The U.N. Climate Report-Meh" (What Rough Beast)
"Make America Mexico Again" (What Rough Beast)
"And Not That One, Either" (The New Verse)
"Guests" (One-Sentence Poems)
"[Yes, but...]" (r. kv. r. y)
"the moon has nothing to be sad about" (Eclectica Magazine)
"track 1 - track 4" (Oxidant Engine Issue 7)
"November Retrospective" (Plath Poetry Project)
"At the Boxing Match & Four other new poems" (Outlaw Poetry)
"With a Roar" (Poets Reading the News)
"gaslighting & Halcyon Days: A Golden Shovel" (2River View)
"At the Fracture Clinic & Winter Landscape with Bird Trap" (Sheila-Na-Gig online)
"What Rough Beast" (Indolent Books)
"Beer, Buoy, Boat, Board" (Rattle)
"Jew" (Rattle)
"Backlit by the Museo Nacional" (Poets Reading The News)
"Screaming Our Lungs Out" (One Magazine)
"Five Poems" (Toasted Cheese)
"6 Poems" (Otoliths Issue Fifty)
"Where, then, should we go?" (Gone Lawn)
"Three Poems" (Cultural Weekly)
"Three Poems" (Sheil-Na-Gig Online)
"And Yet & Even in the Lord's House" (Psaltery & Lyre)
"Yes & On the Bus" (The Light Ekphrastic)
"Detroit Apocalyptic" (in Hedge Apple)
"Strange Echoes" (in Barzakh)
"In Retrospect" (Writingg in a Woman's Voice)
"Portrait of a Generation; "Behind the Veil"; "The Shovel" (EOS: The Creative Context)
"Dead Hand Control" (Writing in a Woman's Voice)
"Goodwife Receives a Caller" (Writing in a Woman's Voice)
"Winter Klieg" (Autumn Sky Daily)
"In This Poem, I Noun" (Cincinnati Review)
"Cinderella Doesn't Live Here Anymore" (Rattle)
"After the Singularity" (Sweet Tree Review)
"Mary and MArtha" (Sweet Tree Review)
"The Chosen" (The Ekphrastic Review)
"He Flatters Me" (The Ekphrastic Review)
"Those Black Birds" (Barzakh)
"Luddite" (Algebra of Owls)
"Servant of the Living Word" (Ink, Sweat & Tears)
"Hive Sisters" (Dying Dahlia Review)
"Airborne" (Green Linden Press)
"Game Over" (The NewVerse News)
"The Gift" (Fog Machine)
"Relic" (3Elements Journal p. 46)
"Eco Echo: An Oldster's Tale" (Rattle)
"False Friends" (Fifth Wednesday Journal)
"Where You Were Going Never Was" (Fifth Wednesday Journal)
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