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Devon Balwit
Reviews of Devon's Work:
A Brief Way to Identify a Body-ISACOUSTIC*
Teaching Takeaways with Jon Riccio - 1weekcritique
Dog-Walking in the Shadow of Pyongyang-Sugar House Reviews
Risk Being/Complicated-Cultural Weekly
Risk Being/Complicated-Connotation Press
We are Procession, Seismograph
Reviews by Devon:
Faggoting an Ars Poetica: Jon Riccio's Agoreography
Crooked Smiling Light - Alan King
Letting the Sound Wake You: Renée Gregorio’s Abyss & Bridge
A Corrective for Anxious Times - Carol Alena Aronoff
We Are Meant to Carry Water - Tina Carlson, Stella Reed, and Katherine DiBella Seluja
Mothers and Daughters: Girl - Veronica Golos
Dark Ladies & Other Avatars - Joan Roberta Ryan
Godspine - Terri Muuss
The Platform (Film) - Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
Pretty Time Machine: ekphrastic prose poems - Lorette C. Luzajic
Sleep in a Strange House - Jessica Purdy
This Someone I Call Stranger - James Diaz
Barnburner - Erin Hoover
The Eggshell Skull Rule- Amy Strauss Friedman
What It's Really Like: Eight Grade- Bo Burnham
Roma- Alfonso Cuarón
Shoplifters-Kore-Eda Hirokazu
Poetry & Fiction Online
Interviews & Reviews
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